Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis

Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis


Predicting stock market prices has been a topic of interest among both analysts and researchers for a long time. Stock prices are hard to predict because of their high volatile nature which depends on diverse political and economic factors, change of leadership, investor sentiment, and many other factors. Predicting stock prices based on either historical data or textual information alone has proven to be insufficient. Existing studies in sentiment analysis have found that there is a strong correlation between the movement of stock prices and the publication of news articles. Several sentiment analysis studies have been attempted at various levels using algorithms such as support vector machines, naive Bayes regression, and deep learning. The accuracy of deep learning algorithms depends upon the amount of training data provided. However, the amount of textual data collected and analyzed during the past studies has been insufficient and thus has resulted in predictions with low accuracy. In our paper, we improve the accuracy of stock price predictions by gathering a large amount of time series data and analyzing it in relation to related news articles, using deep learning models. The dataset we have gathered includes daily stock prices for Samp;P500 companies for five years, along with more than 265,000 financial news articles related to these companies. Given the large size of the dataset, we use cloud computing as an invaluable resource for training prediction models and performing inference for a given stock in real time. Index Terms-stock market prediction, cloud, big data, machine learning, regression.