Reflection on System Dynamics Principles Improves Student Performance in Haptic Paddle Labs

Reflection on System Dynamics Principles Improves Student Performance in Haptic Paddle Labs


Contribution: Significant effort has been placed on the development of laboratory exercises for mechanical engineering curricula. Often, however, the exercises are not structured to encourage students to see the labs as a scientific process, instead of a checklist to be completed. Facilitating reflective observation and abstract conceptualization during the concrete experience (CE) of the lab improves student performance. Background:nbsp;Extensive work has been put into the development of simple, low-cost educational tools to improve learning by supplementing curricula with hands-on experiences. Several devices, including haptic paddles, have been developed to combine dynamics and mechatronics content which culminate in rendering virtual environments. Despite demonstrated student interest in haptic devices and the foundational role of CE in learning, experimental comparisons of learning outcomes over a broad range of devices have had mixed results.