NWPU Crowd A Large Scale Benchmark for Crowd Counting and LocalizationNWPU Crowd A Large Scale Bench

NWPU Crowd A Large Scale Benchmark for Crowd Counting and LocalizationNWPU Crowd A Large Scale Bench


An the last decade, crowd counting and localization attract much attention of researchers due to its wide-spread applications, including crowd monitoring, public safety, space design, etc. Many Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are designed for tackling this task. However, currently released datasets are so small-scale that they can not meet the needs of the supervised CNN-based algorithms. To remedy this problem, we construct a large-scale congested crowd counting and localization dataset, NWPU-Crowd, consisting of 5,109 images, in a total of 2,133,375 annotated heads with points and boxes. Compared with other real-world datasets, it contains various illumination scenes and has the largest density range (0~20,033). Besides, a benchmark website is developed for impartially evaluating the different methods, which allows researchers to submit the results of the test set. Based on the proposed dataset, we further describe the data characteristics, evaluate the performance of some mainstream state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, and analyze the new problems that arise on the new data. What's more, the benchmark is deployed