A Fuzzy Logic-Based Framework for Mapping Crime Data on Established Sociological Hypothesis for Societal Disorder Identification and Prevention

A Fuzzy Logic-Based Framework for Mapping Crime Data on Established Sociological Hypothesis for Societal Disorder Identification and Prevention


This paper presents the novel work of digitally linking the crime theories being worked for many years by sociologists to the data record of criminals. The proposed methodology ensures that societal theories can be unequally characterized based on a set of features. These features can be extracted from the criminal record of convicts. The paper presents the methodology and demonstrates its applicability by digitally mapping several records of convicted criminals in Pakistan on societal theories. The accuracy of the results is verified by presenting them to a panel of experts in criminology and sociology. This novel work can lead societies to cluster crimes being committed in their respective communities to one or more of social theories and then take the help of the rich work that has already been done by sociologists in curbing crimes in communities by the right intervention of policies, incentives, and enforcement.