Rain Fall Weather Reports in Java

Rain Fall Weather Reports in Java


Weather forecasting is the attempt by meteorologists to predict the weather conditions at some future time and the weather conditions that may be expected. The climatic condition parameters are based on the temperature, wind, humidity, rainfall and size of data set. Here, the parameters temperature and Humidity only are considered for experimental analysis. The data is collected from the temperature and humidity sensor called DHT11 sensor, which helps in detecting the temperature and humidity values of a particular region or location. The raspberry pi is used for storing the collected data to the cloud, with the help of Ethernet shield for uploading the data online. The data stored in cloud is generated in the form of CSV, JSON, XML files which is used for further analysis. The correlation analysis of the parameters helps in predicting the future values. The ARIMA model that gives better results for time-series data is used for predicting the values for forthcoming.