Chain based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks VANETs in NS2

Chain based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks VANETs in NS2


VANETs have made a great evolution in vehicular systems, where their main purpose is maintaining the security of drivers on the road. Thereby, several standards (i.e. IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 1609.4) are used for this purpose. These protocols have defined several schemes that can be used to manage one control channel (CCH), where safety packets are broadcasted, and six service channels (SCHs) are used to transmit data packets. However, many applications of these schemes still are not defined. Dynamic time allocation between CCH and SCH is one of those applications. Here, the need of dynamicity can be seen when the vehicle density is low (e.g. in rural areas), a portion of the allocated time for safety packets can be used to transmit data packets on SCHs without losing broadcasted safety packets during CCH intervals. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism that will help, when possible, to improve the throughput of service packets while maintaining acceptable the probability of successfully received safety packets.